Forums · Extreme Hauntings


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Aug 28 '05

Did anyone watch Unexplained Mysteries tonight titled Extreme Hauntings (repeat airing)? I recalled seeing this ep before but I had missed a segment and am glad I caught the missed portion tonight. Not only was it unusual and interesting but it challenged the thought of how spirit can show itself and manipulate a photograph.

A house in southern California has had PN activity that included a ghost or spirit energy providing messages and answers to questions on a poloraid photograph. The energy was also caught on film in a rather strange formation that was often solid white and at times misty and wispy like. All of the writings on the pictures were white and looked like the same substance as the more solid formations. When the owners of the house took the first picture which had writing on it they were understandably taken back by it while intriqued. They took over 100 pictures that had words on them of which some were in latin. Many of the words/writings were answers to questions they were asking including the question if the ghost was nice or not and the reply was 'friend'. When the investigators came in they brought brand new polaroid cameras and film they picked up from the company and had each examined by an expert before using them. All of this was recorded by a camera crew. To their surprise the new cameras and film produced the same results as the pictures taken by the owners camera. The pictures were then examined by an expert who found nothing that could explain what they were seeing. Psychic Peter Jennings visited the home a few times and admited he was leary about the photographs when he first heard about them but after investigation he too was amazed having never before witnessed such a phenomenon. As was the parapsychologist (sp?) who is often on the show. Peter instructed the owners to dig in a certain spot outside as it would reveal something interesting and that an area in the house where the tv is had human remains buried beneath the floor. After digging up the location outside they did find some sort of crypt but were unsure what to make of it. They didn't dig up their floor though. The spirit or ghost communicating with them via the photographs and other activity is believed to have died in the house. After the investigations the ghost/spirit remained silent for 2 years only to show itself again and resume sending messages via pictures when I believe a younger brother of one of the men living there visited the home.

After watching this it makes me wonder even more if spirit energy and ghosts do in fact show themselves in pictures how and when they wish to do so. I am betting after seeing the first cpl of pictures shown that many would have passed it off as a film problem, camera problem or developing error. The extreme white and certain shapes along with some of the misty images of some of the pics taken did look similar to pics I've seen before which opinions given were just that film/developing error etc. I'm not saying all pics that resemble these are of PN nature but I wonder if some might have been? The fact this phenomenon appeared in hundreds of pics with different polaroid cameras gave extra credibility and certainly made it difficult to state error or flash etc. The majority of ppl who capture something potentialy PN are not fortunate to get countless pics in a row so it does make it more difficult for opinions to lean in the favor of PN. But then I've heard some ppl say if you capture the same thing several times in a row it's not PN but rather flash, dust etc. Did the ghost or spirit in that home pull energy from somewhere to enable it to show itself as often as it did or was it able to manipulate the polaroid film with little energy required? When Orbs, mists or anything anomalous believed to be PN are captured on film are some less solid or oddly shaped because that is what the ghost/spirit wanted to show or is it simply timing? Is the strength of the energy indicative of how solid or bright an image will be? Can we capture something as it is just showing itself or as it is fading away or only when it is at a fuller strength? Certainly much to think about along with the question do we at times overlook what really could be a PN capture simply because it's believed by many that it's rare to do so? Polaroid cameras are not widely used anymore (I also don't recall reading many examples of investigative teams who commonly use them) but perhaps it was something about the film that made those caputes possible? Might be fun to pull the ol polaroid out and give it a try. [Laughing]

I'm curious if anyone else saw this ep and what your take is on it? Any thoughts to some of the questions posed are also most welcome. =)
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Aug 29 '05

I saw this ep ages ago, it's got to be nearly 10 years old now. I was quite impressed by it. One of the experts that came to the house was actually a representative from he Polaroid company and he brought his own film, completely sealed to be used. I found the whole thing to be fascinating. As far as I know, this sort of two way communication being initiated by a spirit was completely unique. I've certainly read about spirit photographers, who can enable spirits to show up in a photograph where other people don't. And I've also heard the theory of people themselves being able to influence film with their thoughts. But never before or sense then had I read about written, coherent spirit communications via film. I do believe that the fact that it was Polaroid was a factor in this case. Manipulating the film would be much easier on Polaroid. Unfortunately it's also easier for humans to manipulate, often inadvertently, which is the reason it isn't used as much anymore.

[ August 29, 2005, 11:41 AM: Message edited by: Renee ]
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Aug 30 '05

I didn't realize this ep was aired that long ago, we haven't had UM here that long, I only started watching it when we got digital. I guess many if not all are eps from some time ago. lol

I have to agree that the Polaroid film was likely a key factor in this case. It certainly was fascinating. Your right Polaroid is not often used anymore due to the inadvertent (or not) manipulation amongst other reasons.

There certainly have been some interesting things caught on film, video and audio. Would be great to know just how often it was/is intentional communication as by some of the captures seen it sure seemed to be the case? =)
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Sep 2 '05

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Sep 2 '05

Ooops [Laughing] looks like I mixed up a name, thanks Damien. Suppose I should take better note of names when watching a few different PN shows in a short stretch, now I'll have to figure out who Jennings was? [Big Grin]
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Sep 2 '05

Peter Jennings was the TV new's guy that just died.

[ September 02, 2005, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: Renee ]
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Sep 2 '05

Oh boy D'uh where is my head - I knew that. Thanks Renee sometimes you get a brain fart that just makes you wonder where your mind was or is at!

[ September 02, 2005, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: Cat ]
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