Forums · Dejavu


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Jan 13 '07

Hello, ive been new here for a long time but im finally around to posting!

I just dont get enough time on the computer, but i think im finally going to lol.

Well, i would just like to ask if anyone has experienced Dejavu?

Dejavu is when you feel like what you are experiencing for a first time, you have already gone through. Somehow, it is so similair to you as though it has already happened. However, it hasnt because you have never done this before.

I have had a few experiences. Ill share my most recent.

Me and my freind were in a resturaunt when a boy he knew came in. He sat down and we talked. I had never seen him before, but it seemed to me as i looked at him that id known him my whole entire life. He was so familair, but yet id never meet him. It was just so weird...

Anyone with anything? I know its not much, but you had to feel how i felt to experience how strange this was.
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Jan 18 '07

Hello Ghostguy001, Yes I have experienced this before. Really I do it quit often, but I always think that I had dreamed about what was happening. There have been times when I can almost tell you what is going to be said next.

I can never seem to get past the next couple of words. When it does happen I try really hard to remember the rest of the dream. To vaildate it in some way but it always seem that the person says what they are going to say before I can tell them.

Really it happens so often that I get tired of people looking at me funny when I tell them that I had dreamed about it. Most of the time I just don't say any thing any more.

Really I'm not sure what it is, if I really dreamed it or if I'm being insightful.
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Jan 19 '07

Thats actually exactly what i go through! As if i have dreamed it. I really wish i could get to the bottom of it, its very intersting.
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Jan 20 '07

I too have experienced this many times over the years. Sometimes it seems to me, to be a past- life memory, or a type of telepathy or clairvoyance. I am empathic too, so sometimes, if a persons words do not match the emotional energy that I am picking up from them, they are not wanting to be directly honest at the time, or they are lying, a lot of times it seems to be the latter. The dejavu feeling has happened when the issue was not a person, but rather a place, or a rare type of emotion induced by the vibrations in the air, that create the feeling of having been there before, known a person before meeting them, or having ha experieced an event before.

The only bit of advise I can give concerning dejavu when meeting a person for the "first time"
is that they may have past life connections or just a psychic connection and it may not always be a good thing. I would suggest trusting your intuition or gut instinct.

I will try to research dejavu, if I can find the time. I am back in school (college) right now and it is very demanding of my time.

hope this helped,
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Jan 20 '07

That's funny Ravenheart, I had saw in another post that you were willing to research stuff in your spare time. I was just thinking yesterday that maybe this one would be good for you to research on.

It would almost seem more true for my experience that it would be more of a clairvoyance, or something along those lines. The problem is I can only get it to happen in the present time, while it is happening not before.

Although there are times when I have a simaler feeling but it's more like I have foregot something. Or I had a dream and was suppose to remember it and can't. It's really weird and hard to explain.
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Jan 25 '07

I think I understand what you are saying. When I was active in the Wiccan community, I had gone to a summer solstice gathering and had been learning alot about that way of life and so on. I remember remarking to an elder that it was not like I was learning something new, but rather like I was remembering something I had forgotten....I recieved a big hug and the words, "Welcome Home"!

Dejavu and the feeling I described above are difficult to talk about, I think, because our language just doesn't give us accurate words for psychic and paranormal phenomena.

I'll try to get back with more info ASAP.

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Jan 25 '07

Wow after one hour of research this is the best link for information about Deja-vous that I have been able to find, but it is a good one and I think it will not only answer your questions, but provide links for further exploration of this phenomenon.[/URL]



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Jan 25 '07

Thanks for the info Ravenheart, it's a pretty interesting read. There seems to be so many different reasons or thoughts on how it happens.

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Jan 27 '07

I only wish I had more time to research that topic and to read up on it, but I really have to budget my time until the spring semester is over. I am glad that you found the information to be interesting!

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Oct 7 '07

I'm so very familiar with déjà vus that I guess now they don't even surprise me anymore. The earlier one I remember was 18 years ago. I was 11 and I was eating at home. I looked at the dish and it looked like I had already seen it exactly like it was, same feeling with the movements I did and the things I said (I was talking to my mom and she was getting other stuff from the kitchen). The room, the views, everything was so "copycat".
It was a very strange feeling and back then I had no idea of what it was.
Then, later, it happened again and again...
I traveled a lot all my life and lived in different countries and now if I think at those places, I can say I had many déjà vus when I was in the US, a few when I was in Ireland, a few when I was in Africa (Tunisia and Gabon), very few in Italy (where I was born) and very few here in Ecuador (where I am now).
The most stricking one I had was at the White Horse Café outside Elgin (Oregon), in late July 2002. It was my very first time in the US and when I entered the café and sat at the table I felt that strange feeling again, like I knew the waitress, the order... the person I was with (whom I had met for the first time in my (current?) life a few days earlier.
I must have had a wacky expression on my face because he looked at me and said "Are you having a déjà vu?!"
"huh? ah, yes... familiar with that stuff?"
"oh yes..." smirk

[ October 07, 2007, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: shyhorse ]
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Oct 7 '07

**Don't have a lot of time to reply at the moment, but thought this a fun topic to revisit, so I'm bumping it up!** =)

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