Forums · Dreamwalking experiment


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Feb 3 '08

All his life, my hubby, James, has experienced odd dreams. He was a sleepwalker growing up, had problems with sleep paralysis as a young adult, and often has lucid dreams.

A few months ago, he began having dreams about me that seemed to be snippets of past experiences I had; things I had never told him about, but he was seeing clearly during his dreams.

We began to think that perhaps he had somehow tapped into my subconscious and was seeing these things. So, just for kicks, we decided to do an experiment; he would write down a word on a piece of paper and see if he could cause me to dream about the word. It has worked!!!

The first night, I had a dream about driving through a neighborhood of beautiful old houses with overgrown gardens. One house in particular had gorgeous, pink antique roses in the front yard. The word he had written down was "rosebud".

The second night, I dreamed I was driving a red sports car. I did not catch the make of the car, but in the dream, I was very nervous about it being vandalized or stolen. The word he had written that night was "Porsche".

The third night, we decided to make things more complex, just to see if this was all coincidental. The dream I had was really odd and did a lot of switching scenes. It started out with me driving to visit a woman I knew, who lived near a river. The weather was bad and I had been worried about her in my dream. During the visit, she shows me pictures of her grandchildren, which I ooh and ahh over. I notice a small ragdoll on the bed, which I assume belongs to one of the little girls. Right about then, a rescue boat comes by asking if she wants to evacuate, to which she nonchalantly waves them off, claiming her house is always high and dry.

In the dream, I'm considerably younger, fresh out of college. I go with her to a church gathering and meet a young man; the fellow and I are interested in one another, so I follow him back to his apartment...don't get excited, everything is awfully G rated. Anyway, Mr. Maybe is interested in me and wants to know a little about my background, so I confess that I had been engaged three times (go ahead and laugh, I actually was before I tied the knot at 30). I admire a table and chair set in his kitchen and tell him how much it reminds me of one my parents had. I start getting a little nostalgic about one of my former flames and some of the dinners we had at that table. The dream ends when Mr. Maybe and I head out to a restaurant where I meet James and a friend of ours. I'm really confused thinking...uhm, what am I doing with this guy, when I'm married to that one and why in the heck are they all in such a good mood? About that time, I wake up.

That night, James had written down three words: doll, boat, and the name of one of my former flames (the very one I was thinking about when I saw that table). Now, if that is all coincidence, it is a heck of a big one.

There are several funny things about these dreams. First, they don't have the same feel that my usual dreams do; they are more vivid, and I seem to be retaining them longer than I usually do. Also, they switch scenes more than my typical dreams, which James says most of his dreams do normally switch scenes. Another odd thing, I seldom have dreams where James is in them; however, in all three of these dreams, he makes a "cameo" appearance.

James has said that in the past, he has actually shared dreams with people; usually his family, or close friends, having the same dream, down to small details with him. His curiosity piqued, he started looking into some of the phenomenon he has experienced and found the term "dreamwalking", describing what he does. I think this is different from an OBE, because a lot of the dreams he was having earlier revolved around things that happened in the past. I've been really surprised at the results of the experiments we've done. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
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Feb 6 '08

Sounds like you two share a wonderful bond. =) Aw, we know that already but this is so cool too!

Now just don't think of pink elephants. Whatever you do don't think of pink elephants! =) =) =)

The next morning after you read this James will wake up going "pink elephants!?!?!" ;0

When I was kid my it happened to my brothers and sisters and myself. I don't remember if they did it between them without me but it did happen with me. And it's happened as an adult with other people (not family).

I personally believe it's different than OBEs. These were dreams. I'm pretty positive that they were dreams. Nothing in them gave me the impression of them being something else.
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Feb 6 '08

Nope, no pink elephants! [No] However, he has threatened to send some zombie dreams to a few goofy acquaintances. James has always been plagued with zombie dreams for some reason or another; I'm hoping none of those get sent my way. [Eek!]

That's really cool that you've experienced this with family members and others. It really makes me wonder about dreams I've had; perhaps the people in the dreams were having similar ones.
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