Forums · forensic psychiatry's "evilscale"


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Apr 28 '08

This subject is so terifying, it probably rattles the most seasoned of law enforcers, however morbid curiousity drives some to doggedly pursue knowledge and understanding of such unimagineable evil acts. I believe their fear is what drives their studies.....being dangerously close to the most poweful force concievable without falling victim to it directly. Evil in human beings is incomprehensible.....AND not to be challenged or explored for kicks.
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May 19 '08

That sounds scary!!
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May 19 '08

Of course it's Scary...these sociopaths are some of the most dangerous predators on earth! Down right evil, and incapable of feeling! AT ALL.
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May 20 '08

I agree, zzzowl! To get into the minds of those preditors would, more than likely, scare the living crap out of us. That's just to put it mildly..Anyone with sane thinking and rationality could not fathom doing what they come up with. To me, the most scariest thing is that these things are walking around with you, me and especially, our children. Makes me shudder and cringe at the thought. None of us is really safe anymore.
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May 20 '08

We have a serial killer lurking west of boston. "He" has been silent [inactive] for many least no further victims have been discovered since last summer. I frequent many of the back roads that "I know" he has cruised....I know this because I can feel his presence. Can't explain why I know what I know....just do. "He's" escalating, and going to strike again. I wish I did not feel him because I am helpless, in that, I can not stop what drives him to kill....and "he's" going to. Why I receive such intense feelings about his intentions is unbearable and "very real" distraction... Quite frankly, I hate it.
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May 20 '08

I do not envy you, zzzowl..that kind of "knowing" would make anyone be frustrated. Ask God, or whomever your divine being is, to please don't let you sense this or any other negativity unless you would be able to help in some way. Ask to make it known what you are to do and why, he will do this for you. All we have to do is ask. Regretfully asking...what kind of killings has this maniac done? I sense that he may be toying around with the authorities with this "dry" period and that something is going to happen to start him up again. Maybe there is some well-known event that would have the authorities full attention? Just a thought and is a strong feeling to me. God bless you....
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May 21 '08

I am a social worker by education...big surprise, huh? I worked in addictions primarily. "He" has focused his thirsts on this vulnerable population...women only. They all share the same physical features...dark hair and eyes (Hispanic) woman with other similar features in common. They all have a history of serious addiction, and all have participated in some form of prostitution to support their habits. So far, every woman has been in a half-way-house...some have acually been aquainted with one another either on the street, or in treatment. "He", in his sick, demented pursuit of control, is killing the same woman....over..and over...and over again. The last woman who was reported missing fit the MO of his focuses. I KNEW it was him. And, it was. They found her dead a couple of months later. The police are releasing few details...for obvious reasons, as to the particular conditions of their bodies. Only the locations, the women's histories, and a few comments from the grieving family members. Media attention is they are social to speak. I do pray, Ghostwatch. But, not for release from sensing him. Rather, I pray that his need to REPEAT, will be exactly what allows for his capture. I feel a bond with these woman...And can not abandon their cries. Thank you for your abilities are very strong at times...but not within my conscious power to understand or's, simply put, a gift/curse I must accept. Took me a long, long time to stop ignoring what I knew about my "Knowing"..if you will. God Bless You... can't describe what it is like to be able to talk about these senses with those who Get It.
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May 23 '08

I know how you feel zzzowl...People look at you like you have leprosy or something if you mention anything of the sort.
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May 24 '08

Yes, exactly. Many people believe that if you can't interpret life and living via the 5 primary senses.... you're probably a little "off", to put it politely. This thinking (belief) is perfectly acceptable. Intertaining possibilities "outside of the box" can be to frightening for those not wired to such special sensory gifts.
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May 24 '08

Oh! by the way Ghostwatch.... I, for the first time, decided to go on line to look up info on the serial killer west of Boston. I was not at all surprised to find that a profile has been developed by S.T.A.L.K., Inc. He has been deemed the "South Main Killer", who is a hunter/fisherman, and is in his comfort zone...In The Woods"! He supposedly knows the back roads inside and out in this area. No Wonder I Kept Feeling Him.....our paths have been crossing for years!!!! On May 4, 2008...most recent update printed...police arrested a man on an unrelated crime whom they are looking at closely for these serial murders. Saw his photo. Although very dangerous...something doesn't fit. I hope I'm wrong about this feeling because if I am...he's still out there.
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May 24 '08

Whoa, reading your post just sent a million chills down my body! Maybe this man in the photo was with this killer or even a never know. I know what your saying about "something doesn't fit" because I feel that too. If I got anything about it, I'll be sure to let you know.
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May 24 '08

You're a god send for being so willing to provide suggestions and support. Hope all is a little quieter on your front lines. I'm astounded...and a little un-nerved quite frankly, by the realization that my senses acually picked up on this creep! I choose not to address this bizarre "knowing" with anyone but the special souls here at spiritkeep. If I didn't experience such unexplainable sense of knowing....I wouldn't believe it myself. My gratitude for the opportunity to be able to access so much wisdom sure is a comfort to this newbee....who denied the sense of knowing....until it encountered serious evil.
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graveyard hound

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Sep 8 '12

I happen to be one of those folks that got pretty blasted by this post. Forensic psychistry is not for everyone and I relax by getting on line and wonder how much is real and how much is fantasy when someone is 'talking' about a topic and/or about themselves. I don't brag about it, i just mention now due to the topic being raised and I won't repeat it in other posts.:)
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