Forums · Today is my Birthday


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Jun 26 '08

Today, I turned 32 years old.
I watched the exact time roll in.
Well, there goes Any chance I had of making my Birthday Cake. The Brownies I tried making went all over the Oven, so Everything is burnt up and overflowing.
I Cannot do Anything Right!
Yes, I am Beating the Crap out of myself for this screw up.
My Baking should be Labeled a Felony Crime!
Because every time I touch Anything, it gets RUINED!
Now, because Everything went all over the Oven, I won't be able to bake my Cake and my Hubby will be Angry with me for this.
I should have just stayed in bed and Not touched Anything!
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Jun 26 '08

Oh, I'm so sorry your baking efforts did not produce the results you had been hoping for! However!.... I would still like to wish you a very, very happy birthday anyway! It's a celebration....cake or no. But, cake IS better I agree. Haha! Hope you have some fun and laughter. =) zzowl [Jump]
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Jun 27 '08

Happy belated birtjdayNMLadyNative.I am sorry to hear about what happened with your baking. Don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone has burned something while cooking or in the oven at one time in their lives.I hope you had a good day anyway.

[Big Grin] [Jump]

[ June 27, 2008, 12:23 AM: Message edited by: Gremlin ]
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Jun 27 '08

Happy Birthday NMLN.
Sorry about the baking fiasco.

A birthday cake (or brownies) does not a birthday make. It's in the love.
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Jun 27 '08

Well, Happy Birthday, girlie!! [Big Grin] Don't be sad! I've been known to muck up many-a-brownie -- birthday or no! Oy! [Ugh]

I wish you a verrrry HAPPY BIRTHDAY, youngin'! [Wink]

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