Forums · Interviews with David Byron and Margaret Clara Baker (Horror)

PaulDale Roberts

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Jun 28 '08

Interview with David Byron / Founder/moderator / NVF Magazine
Interview conducted by / Paul Dale Roberts / President of[/URL]

PDR: Hello, David. First off, tell us about yourself. Family, where you grew up, even your first girlfriend.

DB: Be glad to, Paul. Well, I come from a pretty close-knit family, which is always a good thing. I found out long ago, - unless you come from a very unusually dysfunctional family- that family means a lot. I was born and raised in Vincennes, Indiana, which is, by the way, the boredom Capitol of the United States.
But, it’s where I call home. Small town life isn’t so bad, I guess. It’s quiet and peaceful most of the time, so not a good place for conjuring up any really good story ideas. I have to let my own imagination run wild around here.
We do have some local ghost legends around here, though. You might like those! As far as my first girlfriend, well…..that’s a tough one. Better get back with me later on that one. Although I did have a girl who used to try and kiss me in kindergarten, if that counts.

PDR: Tell us about what NVF is all about. What inspired you to create it?

DB: Well, NVF is like a big online writing community for up and coming writers who crave – and deserve – exposure. It is there to help people, not make money. It is a non-profit, non-paying magazine. I post their stories for free, promote them for free, even put together an e-book of their work for free if they want it, at no charge.
I put together an anthology several times a year to help them with exposure too, as well as earn at least some meager royalties. Hey; you gotta start some place!
As time went on, I began showcasing indie filmmakers, actors and actresses, special FX artists, and even other magazines. And recently, I began a multiple-genre format, so readers and writers of ALL genres could enjoy it. There are other genres besides horror.

PDR: How did you become such a big fan of horror?

DB: That’s an easy one; I grew up watching old horror flicks, like the British Hammer Films, and read old EC Comics like Tales From The Crypt. As time went on, my imagination became so…..vivid, I’ll say, that I started jotting down little stories for fun, but mortified most people. I have actually been writing since I was around seven years old.

PDR: What is your site address, by the way? How can folks contact you?

DB: Easy! The main magazine url is[/URL] , and my personal email address is if anyone wants to say HI! I welcome emails, and love meeting new people.

PDR: What types of TV shows, movies, books do you like?

DB: That covers a lot of ground. It depends on my mood, really. Books? Always into Stephen King – who isn’t?! – and I really enjoy Clive Barker’s works. Films? Hmmm…..I guess Hannibal with Anthony Hopkins was one of my favorites. I like the older 70s and 80s horror flicks myself. TV? Scifi Channel, of course! By the way, I wrote several short film screenplays, you ever want to see them!

PDR: Here’s a good one: If you had six dinner guests, three fictional, and three real, who would they be?

DB: This should be fun! The real ones would be Stephen King, Joe R. Lansdale, and God. I would love to tell God how proud I am of him for being patient enough not to have blown this crazy earth right out of the universe already.
The fictional ones? Hmmm….I’d have to go with Garfield the cat, Bugs Bunny, and Superman. Hey… asked!

PDR: Thanks for the interview, David! Any last words of encouragement?

DB: Why sure! Always eat all of your vegetables, always listen to your mom – unless she is Lizzie Borden – and most of all, don’t ever give up on your dreams! When the going gets tough, the tough hang in there!
Bye –bye for now!!

Interview with Margaret Clara Baker, Horror Writer
Interviewed by Paul Dale Roberts, President[/URL]

Question: Tell us something about yourself, your family life, where
you were raised, maybe about your first boyfriend.

I was raised in San Jose California, and inherited "working class" roots from my largely Latino neighborhood, I was one of very few white kids on my street. Thank God for that. I know what good Menudo tastes like. My mom was a homemaker, and father an electrician. I am one of seven children. Although my brother Steven, was killed in a horrible auto accident as a result of meth abuse. We grew up Irish Catholic to the core, alcoholism, abuse, fights, guilt, and all of the trimmings.

Question: How did you get into writing horror? I've written political articles, community interest articles in the past. And read from the same genre. When the political temperature of the world began to feel like a horror story, and began to be too "real" and heavy for reading, I decided to read for entertainment purposes, instead of "I've got to know everything about the world climate". I chose to read horror. Upon discovering this genre, I became aware that many of the writers that I read didn't give me the grotesque detail that one craves, almost the ability to smell the dankness of the scene, in a matter of speaking. Since I didn't find it already in print, I decided to write it myself. I take great pleasure in scaring the crap out of myself.

Question: David Bryon's horror book will be coming out in August and one of your stories will be in that book. What story will that be and can you brief us a bit about the story?

It will be a piece called "Victim Witness". It's Psych-Horror. It's the story of a woman who tries to do the right thing when a bad cop intrudes into her life. The repercussions involved in dealing with the underground world of bad cops. And when the dead get their chance to speak to a captive audience. The experience of the story is comparable to being tied up in a chair, eyelids propped open, unable to turn your head, and have every horror from this world and the next force upon you in all its ugliness. You're helplessly forced to watch as stinking hags unsteadily creep to your bedside.

Question: Have you ever thought of writing a horror comic book? I have as a matter of fact, because I am much better writing in a serial type fashion. And my stories I like to think are very colorful and are capable of producing imaginative and colorful imagery for the reader. But I'm not a very good illustrator.

Question: How can someone contact you? They can contact me at P.O. Box 525, San Juan Bautista, California 95045.

Question: If you had 6 dinner guests, 3 fictional and 3 real, who
would they be and why? Winston Churchill, as he was one of the highest functioning alcoholics I've ever read of. And his writing talents were enough to make one cry. Beautiful letters to his wife he wrote during the war. And speeches brimming with intestinal fortitude. Ellen Degeneres due to infectious positive attitude. Jimmy Carter, he is the most responsible case of taking your post presidential responsibilities seriously. He could be kicking back enjoying his post presidential paychecks. On the contrary, he travels to 3rd world countries making sure that the voiceless have a opportunity to carve out their future with their votes. But also he possesses integrity to do the next right thing. I haven't gotten there yet. Not many people have.007, he has cool toys. Barbie, she has cool toys. Auntie Made, well, she knows how to party.

Statement: You can find a sample of Margaret's work here:[/URL]

Question: What books, comic books do you read or have read? I read spiritual books, Thomas Merton, "The Seeds of Contemplation",Erik Erickson contributions he has made to the world of psychology regarding developmental psychology.

Question: What TV shows and movies do you like?

I watch the discovery channel, food channel, love to eat. History channel, because there is nothing the imagination can come up that can beat the horrors of real life events.

Question: What are your hobbies and recreational activities?

I love to kayak, crochet in the winter (remind me and I will make you a scarf), making gingerbread houses for Halloween, and Christmas, okay and Easter (remind me, I'll make you one of those too). I love antiques. And eating, I think I mentioned that before. How embarrassing. But equally I hit the gym almost every day, that being said.

Question: Thank you for the interview, any last words of encouragement?
Thank you for thinking of me and finding me interesting enough to interview.
For those of us who love to write horror, and are experiencing a writer's block, hang in there, life will provide inspiration.
And, if you make mistakes in life, big or small, thank God everyday for them, as without them we would never have reason to improve.