Forums · We Live in a World Controlled by Reptilians

PaulDale Roberts

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Sep 7 '08

We Live in a World Controlled by Reptilians
A Look at David Icke’s book The Biggest Secret
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter

Let’s go back to the Sumerian clay tablets. Could the Anunnaki be a race of reptilian beings from another planet? Could David Icke be right, that an extraterrestrial race of reptilian aliens are in control of this Earth? That they may have been in control of mankind since the beginning of time? I must admit it is interesting on how in the Ubaid culture, which existed between 5000 BC and 4000 BC, their gods are represented as reptilian looking. Why did so many ancient cultures depict their gods as reptilian? We have reptilian gods in Central America to the American Hopi Indians to East Indians. There is even an ancient serpent mound in Ohio. The Egyptians had their serpent god Kneph and the Phoenicians had their serpent god Agathodemon. Let’s not forget all of the Asian cultures with their multitude of dragons. Some of these dragons had god status.

Look around, there are all kinds of fire breathing dragons thrown into our myths, legends and history. Why was ancient mankind so fascinated with reptiles? Ancient civilizations believed that the reptilians originated from the Draco star constellation. The Draco system includes the star Thurban, which was once the North Star. The same star that Egyptian pyramids are orientated. A Hopi Indian legend says that there are complex catacombs, caverns & tunnels underneath Los Angeles that once housed the lizard race, some 5000 years ago. It is said that Freemasonic rituals are now conducted in these complex tunnel systems. Freemasonry and other secret societies connect to the ancient Egyptian culture and serpent type of gods. No wonder the Freemasons would be interested in those tunnels underneath Los Angeles.

Could the Earth really have been visited by a reptilian race? Could these reptilians be part of a special blood line that creates full bloods, which would include leading brotherhood families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bushes & the Windsors? Sounds absurd huh? Since I mentioned the Windsors, a close confidant to Princess Diana told her the Windsors were reptiles. It appears the reptilian are completely out of control. Many people who read David Icke’s reptilian theories, believe the reptilians are setting the stage for the New World Order through various secret societies. Military workers believe Dulce, New Mexico is controlled by reptilians and that they have underground genetic labs there. One worker describes ‘Nightmare Hall’ in which the worker describes seeing multi-legged humans that look half human and half octopus, winged humanoids, grotesque bat creatures and on and on. I added this in, because most alien abductees claim that the Grays are working with reptilian humanoids. The reptilian humanoids seem to be in control of the abduction of humans and DNA experimentation. Can this DNA experimentation be in collaboration of the military and the reptilians at underground complexes at Dulce, New Mexico?

As I read David Icke’s book, he hits home on many things, as listed here:

a) it appears that many of our ancient myths, religious beliefs tell of crossbreeding, even in Genesis 6:14 – “when men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any them they chose…” Note: In some of our myths, it appears that hybrids had prestige within society, as one demigod looks down at Hercules and says…”let him in, he’s half god”.

b) In the Sumerian tablets, Enlil is described as the Splendid Serpent of the Shining Eyes, while his half brother Enki is represented with two entwined serpents (similar to the ancient caduceus – symbol of the modern medical profession).

David Icke connects the Babylonian Brotherhood to the reptilians that came to this Earth from the Draco star constellation. The incredible ways they are able to maneuver from our dimension to other dimensions. How ancient reptilians required sacrifices, because of their thirst for blood. The status quo of setting a bloodline among powerful families that control banks, institutions and corporations. With these interconnecting bloodlines, the reptilians have controlled Earth for thousands of years. If you ever wondered why great extraterrestrial races don’t come down to Earth to take control, is because they are already in control.

David Icke has taken many puzzle pieces and made a big picture. He connects many dots and recreates the same picture. After reading a book like ‘The Biggest Secret’, you will have to wonder if the connected dots and completed puzzle actually do make any sense.

I ask myself the following questions after reading this book.
1. Why do so many ancient cultures worship reptilian looking gods?
2. Why do many secret societies have a reptilian connection?
3. Why do so many great world leaders have connections to some of the most powerful secret societies from The Bilderburgs to Skull and Bones to Freemasonry to the Trilateral Commission?
4. Why do so many religions around the world have similar stories? The Hopi Indians have a similar story that sounds very close to the Tower of Babel story. The Sumerian clay tablets talk about two stories that sound similar to Noah’s Ark and the Garden of Eden, but yet the Sumerian clay tablets were created way before the Bible was created.

David Icke’s believes the Reptilian’s agenda is the complete control of the planet without anyone realizing what happened. The complete control has a name, it’s called the New World Order. Secret societies are connected to the New World Order. Secret signs and images are found on our one dollar bill that points to the New World Order. The design or plan would be centered on a world government that would make all major decisions in the world. The New World Order would control world central banks, currency (all electronic – no cash) and the New World Order Army. The population of the planet would all be microchipped that would be linked to a Union. The unions or should I call them super States would be The European Union, the American Union, the Pacific Union and possibly an African Union. If the New World Order is created and if there are reptilians on the earth, they would be in full control and there wouldn’t be much we could do about it. A special note: If we were all microchipped, it is very coincidental that the accepted computer code for microchips starts with the number ‘666’.

David Icke tells a good story. He connects a lot of dots. I hope his discoveries are fallacy, because if his theory is true. We are in some big trouble. It’s funny, I am finishing up this article and I turn on my television and the program is talking about Dracula. Wouldn’t you know it that Dracula’s name originates from the word ‘Draco’ – the Dragon. Vlad Tepes aka Dracula was of Romanian loyalty. Did the Reptilians have control over Romanian/Transylvania through Dracula to deal with the Turks? The Reptilian connection goes on and on and on. Thank you David Icke for enlightening us. With the substantial evidence you have presented, it's enough to build a case on. Great book!

Stay tuned, my next article I will discuss Margie Garcia's sighting of a UFO in San Francisco and actually seeing the occupants of the UFO through the windows of the UFO! A sighting that happened in 1976!

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager, Ghostwriter & Demonologist
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