Forums · The Ghost of the Lone Wolf of Highway #1 and the Evidence of the Gods!

PaulDale Roberts

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Feb 14 '09

The Ghost of The Lone Wolf of Highway #1 and The Evidence of the Gods
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager/Ghostwriter

I have encountered many outlaw bicycle clubs during my lifetime and even have a connection with some of them. I have seen: The Louisville Outlaws, Bandidos Outlaw Motorcycle Club (in Texas), Oakland Hell's Angels, San Jose Gypsy Jokers, Monterey Losers and the Stockton Skulls. I have a female cousin that was once the property of a Hell's Angel. I have a male cousin who is an actual member of the San Jose Gypsy Jokers. I have ran into the Stockton Skulls at a Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young / Buddy Miles Concert in Stockton, where the Skulls went up against the Stockton Police. The police broke up this concert by tear gas and swinging their batons. The year was 1968.

Bikers at times live a harsh life. One urban legend tells the sad story of the Lone Wolf of Highway #1. The story goes, that the Lone Wolf who was not part of any biker gang found his girl with an outlaw biker gang called the Bakersfield Blackhearts (now defunct). The Lone Wolf found her being intimate with 3 members of the Bakersfield Blackhearts. The Lone Wolf seeking revenge shot one of the bikers that was fooling around with his girlfriend. The Lone Wolf hightailed it out of the valley and made it to Highway #1, where he would be far removed from the Bakersfield Blackhearts' territory. As he was headed up Highway #1 towards Big Sur, he did not realize he was being followed by a truck. Inside the truck was one of the Bakersfield Blackhearts. When they reached a steep winding area of Highway #1, the truck smashed into his bike. The Lone Wolf plummeted onto the cliffs. When his body hit the jagged rocks, he was instantly dead. The year was 1964.

People now claim that they see a single headlight coming at them fast from the rear. The single headlight will follow them for a few minutes and then vanish. In 1970, I was traveling on Highway #1 in a 1965 Dodge Coronet Station Wagon late at night on Highway #1 with my then girlfriend Raquel Nunez. I was leaving Raquel Nunez's father's ranch - The Sanchez Adobe Ranch. I was bringing Raquel back to San Bruno where her home was and she claimed that a motorcycle was tailing me and was very close to my bumper and to be careful. When I looked in my rear view mirror, I saw no motorcycle. She claimed up and down she saw the single bright headlight of a motorcycle on the rear end of my vehicle.

I didn't see it, but perhaps...just perhaps....I was being followed by the Ghost of the Lone Wolf.

The Evidence of the Gods:

Let me get into another subject. Let's talk about the Evidence of the Gods. Skeptics says that UFOs are no more than weather inversions, swamp gas, camera lens flares, etc. But, if we were to start gathering the evidence to present to the jury, let's see what some of that evidence might be:

Mount Popocatepetl in Mexico.
This would be a great place to gather evidence of UFO activity. UFOs are constantly seen in and around this active volcano. It is claimed that the strongest electromagnetic fields are found here, than any location on Earth. This is probably one of the main fueling sites for UFOs to energize their vehicles. We should have 24/7 cameras located all around this volcano to gather photographic evidence.

The Oz Factor.
The Oz Factor was described by US Air Force personnel when they were approached by a UFO in Rendleshaim Forest during the RAF Bentwaters Incident. The Oz Effect was caused by the electromagnetic and static energy generated by the craft. The Oz Factor caused the soldiers to slow down physically and mentally in their processes. This is referred to as an 'associative dysfunction'. Everything the soldiers felt during this phase was surreal. Immediate medical examinations of these soldiers may have produced alternate brain patterns, giving us some kind of credence that they experienced something that was unusual. More evidence for the jury to digest.

Various Types of Aliens.
Interviews with abductees and witnesses throughout the world, report seeing 5 types of aliens. The Zetas, Nordics, Mantis Beings, Reptilians and Large Grays. It would be great to do interviews with people in remote locations that have been abducted, that have no access to TV and books and see if their stories coincide with descriptions of other abductees. To see if these interviewees describe the same type of aliens. It would also be exciting to see if the medical experiments coincide with other abductions. An abduction and Close Encounter Data Base would be relevant for cases such as the Tujunga Canyon Abductions from the early 50s of 2 women who were subjected to medical examinations by aliens to Travis Walton's abduction in which he encountered small grays and Nordics to Officer Lonnie Zamora's close encounter in April 24, 1964 in Socorro, New Mexico to the Zavodsk Square, Voronezh, Russia Incident in which a group of children witness a landed UFO in the park. A child from the group approaches the UFO and an alien points something at the child and makes him vanish. When the UFO departs, the child reappears. With a large centralized data base gathering all of the abductee and close encounter information, we would be able to pinpoint consistency or contradictions to these stories.

UFO Landing Spots.
All UFO landing spots need to be fully investigated, photographs taken, soil samples taken. Information should all go into a centralized data base for all UFOlogists to analyze.

Alien Implants.
Implants with truthful substance should be collected for evidence and kept in one centralized location for analysis. Implants that are known to have a strong covering of living tissue composed of protein and keratin are the best candidates. These are the implants that doctors have a hard time cutting the outside membrane of the implant using a scalpel. The tissue for these implants is the same composition of human hair or fingernails. Most of these implants when in the body contain strong electromagnetic properties. Some scientists have determined that the metallic composition of an implant seems to have meteorite origins, because the isotopes of the metallic composition cannot be found on our terrestrial landscape.

Photographs and Video Footage.
Again, should be kept in a centralized location for analysis. Especially photographs and video footage taken from reliable sources, such as NASA. Video footage should be analyzed for intelligent movement of craft. Photographs don't particularly have to be UFOs, it could be of The Bridge structure seen on the Moon. Science Editor John J. O'Neill and British Astronomer Dr. H.P. Wilkins confirmed there was a bridge structure on the Moon, 12 miles long. Any photographic evidence of this structure should be collected for further analysis.

Statements of Witnesses.
In 1979, when Linda Napolitano was taken from her Brooklyn apartment in Manhattan, there were many witnesses to this event called the Brooklyn Bridge Case. All statements should have been gathered of these witnesses for future reference. All of their contact information should be collected for future interviews. If we had started early in collecting statements, we would have the 1957 statement of Antonio Villas Boas, the Brazilian farmer who later became a lawyer. He was subject to an abduction and had sex with an alien female. He later claims that he was angered by the abduction, because the aliens were looking for a good stallion to improve their stock. It would be nice to have Betty and Barney Hill's statements of their abductions. It would be nice to have Mac Brazel's statement on what kind of debris he saw during the 1947 Roswell fiasco, before government agents shut him up for being one of the gunmen who killed Pat Garrett. Since there is no statute of limitations to murder, Mac Brazel became quiet on what he saw in 1947. Note: Pat Garrett is the deputy that killed William Bonney aka Billy the Kid. Double Note: When I was a kid, I went to New Mexico and visited Billy the Kid's grave. Little did I know, when I was sitting on Billy's tombstone, that Billy would have a connection to the Roswell Incident. The irony of it all.

My Conclusion.
If UFO investigating groups would start sharing their information and setting a goal of having a centralized computer for all of their evidence, perhaps one day, we will have the evidence we need to show the jury, to show the public that UFOs do actually exist and that we are truly being visited by extraterrestials.

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager, Paranormal Investigator & Ghostwriter
Shannon McCabe's HPI
Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International[/URL][/URL][/URL]
(Paul and Shannon on TV Show Conversations with a Serial Killer - see link above)
I had to write a story for the Sacramento Press about Off-the-Hook TV and the Sandbar, view photos here:[/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]
Staff Writer - Alien Seeker News -[/URL]
WPRT Paranormal Radio - Content Editor
Paranormal Cellular Hotline: 916 203 7503 (for comments on this story).

If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI

Copyright © 2009 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter Copyright © 2009
all rights reserved.