Forums · Mine Shaft Ghosts of Placerville

PaulDale Roberts

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Mar 8 '09

Mine Shaft Ghosts of Placerville.
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter

Before I get into this article. I have great news! In 1996, I created and published a comic book called The Legendary Dark Silhouette. Howard Nash, Independent movie producer is creating the movie from my comic book. To see the first movie ad, you can click here:[/URL]

Now let's talk about that investigation!

To see pictures from the investigation, click here:[/URL]

A phone call is received by HPI (Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International). The lady on the other line is Julie Lemos. Julie explains to me that there is a unit at her apartment that is having all kinds of paranormal activity. That activity is:
1. Shadow creature seen in the living room, by the sliding window.
2. A little boy apparition is seen at the foot of the bed.
3. Occupant is pulled away from the refrigerator by an unseen force.
4. A figure is seen looking into a bedroom, from the hallway.
5. In the second bedroom, a figure is seen sitting on the chair.

There is a lot of history in Placerville and there are many establishments that are reputed to be haunted. I learn that at one time there was a mine shaft at the location of the apartment complex. Mine shafts brought accidents, deaths and tragedy. This area may very well be haunted. It was time to get my team together. Paranormal Investigators present are: Chantal Apodaco, Kathy, David Mace (Lead Investigator), Jen S., Christina George, Amanda Gomez (Freelance Writer), Enrique Serrano, Andrew Godley, Rita Reyes, Mark Reyes, Karen Mace, Christie Mace, Connie Brenner, Lynn Combs, Audry Edwards. Note: Enrique Serrano & Andrew Godley represent their group: Sacramento Haunting Investigation.

Occupants and friends are: Tracy, Laura French, Daniel Barrett.

Equipment being used is: video cameras, EMF readers, temperature gauges, digital audio recorders, and digital cameras.

We had three sessions to investigate this residence. The 1st session, investigators are placed into teams and placed in various sections of the home. The 2nd session had everyone with recorders stay inside the home to get quiet time for EVPs, using the McCabe Method – quick and dirty way of picking up EVPs, checking recorder immediately to seek results. The third session would be a free for all, in which investigators can scout our areas on their own, which includes indoors and the outside perimeters.

After each session, there are brief meetings, in which we all go over the evidence for the occupant.

In the first bedroom, cold spots are felt, temperature gauge jumps wildly from 67 to 62 constantly. Hissing sound is heard during this time.

EMF Reader makes hits in the kitchen. Electrical outlets are checked to see if this could be causing the disturbance. No interference could be detected that would cause the EMF Reader to show spikes. The kitchen area is where the occupant is pulled away from the refrigerator.

Numerous cameras shut down. All cameras have fresh batteries. Cameras start working again mysteriously.

A couple of investigators felt touching. One investigator felt a circular movement on her hand, later she feels heaviness on her hand and tingles. Christina George feels a cold hand placed on her back.

EMF Readers detect a disturbance in the atmosphere around Laura (the occupant), wherever she goes. The reason for this disturbance is unknown, but needs to be looked at further.

Possible EVPs (Being checked for further analysis):
Two EVPs that sound like a male saying ‘yes’ and a EVP that sounds like screaming from a woman.

Many photographs show orb activity outside and inside. Some designer orbs that are taken by Christina George will be enhanced for further analysis. David Mace is unable to show intelligent movement of orbs with his video camera. Orb photographs are inconclusive.

Inconclusive. EVPs need to be verified as authentic and not sounds of people talking in the next room. The possible EVPs would be the only evidence that we could substantiate a haunting at this location. A review of all evidence will be conducted and follow-up information about this investigation will be found in my future articles. From all indications, it appears that if there is a haunting at this home, it’s a Casper haunting. A Casper haunting means a friendly haunting, where there is no danger present for the occupant.

I have very ambitious investigators. David Mace, Karen & Christie Mace, Audry Edwards investigated the Gold Bug Mine before the residence investigation. The mine according to David originated in the 1800s and is connected to a network of other mines. During their preliminary investigation they did find any substantial evidence that this place is haunted.

Afterwards Chantal Apodaco, Enrique Serrano, Andrew Godley, Rita Reyes, Mark Reyes, Connie Brenner, Lynn Combs went back to Dyer Lane. Rita went to school with Bill Mullen who haunts Dyer Lane. Rita showed me her year book, in which Bill Mullen signs it. On this night Rita will try to make contact with Bill Mullen. The results were unsuccessful in contacting Bill Mullen, but Chantal makes possible contact with a deceased school mate named Angel Dixon who was brutally raped and murdered on Dyer Lane. Chantal asks Angel if she remembers her and a female’s voice says ‘yes’.

March 7, 2009, Saturday is the date of these investigations and on this day we also celebrated Rita Reye’s birthday. When Chantal, Mark, Jen S, Christina George, Rita showed up at my house at 5pm, I had a birthday cake waiting for Rita. Of course, we sang happy birthday to Rita. The camaraderie is strong within the ranks of HPI and we recognize the importance of our investigators and the special days that represent their lives. Happy birthday Rita!

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager, Paranormal Investigator & Ghostwriter
Shannon McCabe's HPI
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Most Haunted House in Stockton Videos Part 1 and 2:[/URL][/URL]
Paul on Wikipedia, click link below:[/URL][/URL]
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If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI

Copyright © 2009 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter Copyright © 2009
all rights reserved.