Forums · Has anybody watched"Most Haunted?"


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Apr 14 '06

Have any of you watched "Most Haunted" with Derek Acorah? He also does another show about haunted towns. What do you think of him? Do you think he's for real or just a really good scammer? I'm not sure what to think except for the fact that he definitely has a flair for the dramatic!! He's on every Friday night on the Travel Channel. I would love to hear opinions!

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Apr 14 '06

I watch every Friday. I agree with your assesment of Acorah. Real or not, he is a horrible actor. However, I truly enjoy their video evidence.
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Apr 16 '06

I get a kick out of watching him, but I think he is a substantial amount of pure showmanship. I've suspected a few times that he has done some research on a place prior to going there. On the show, they claim he does not know where the location will be, but lets face it, they would have to at least tell him what town he would be traveling to for an upcoming show. It would be awfully easy to do some quick research on the haunted places (many of which are fairly well-known and documented)in a particular town, find out a little local history, and bingo! When the camaras start rolling, Derek comes out with astounding information, exact names and dates courtesy of "Sam".

Now, in his defense, I've watched his "Ghost Towns" show, also on the Travel Channel. He does the same stuff, "channeling" spirits left and right that he does on "Most Haunted." However, he also does some one on one readings for people, knocking on doors, supposedly at random, that he seems to do well with, picking up names and details from their loved ones who have passed. Judging from those segments, I would say Acorah did have some legitimate psychic ability. However, I think his channeling and drama is purely for the cameras.

He's fun to watch, just for the cheese factor, but I couldn't take him seriously. [No]
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Apr 17 '06

Hi all,
I agree, I think they all "ham it up" for the cameras. But Derek takes the cake! I do sit and laugh at him sometimes........its just so over the top! I guess thats showbiz!
Did anyone watch this past Friday. They were at an American Legion in Hollywood. It was quite interesting. So much happened though? Left me feeling/wondering if some of its not staged for the show.
I also heard somewhere that he was privy to some info about the shows location. I also heard that he'd been let go and thats not happened so?
But watching the show is almost like clockwork, she screams, he feels nauseated. I could do without the woman screeching. I can do a really good impersonation of her! LOL
Anybody else watch the last show? What do you think?
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Apr 18 '06

I've caught parts of some of the shows.
I agree with mostly whats been said so far.
I do think he is a psychic (I believe everyone is so that's no great leap of faith) but I do think he hams it up. Nothing against him. It's a show. It vies for ratings. Even if he's not pushed to it he may just ham it up as a sacrifice to get the show out there. Quite possibly with the best of intentions to spread what he believes to the most doubters.

I don't care to watch those shows because they are always inconclusive and they are far too much soap opera-ish.

I like my ghostie shows with real psychics doing real work. Real (if only self proclaimed) scientist working to help the field of parapsychology. Microbiology used to be defined as quackery as with just about every other science. Not until the field is researched enough and our technology and intelligence improve enough to adequately explore and find repeatable evidence/data will most people take it seriously. Until that day. =)
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Apr 20 '06

I happen to be very glad Derek is no longer on the show. I don't watch it every week but if I'm watching tv at the time and it's on, I tune in. I really like the locations they go to, the 3-d imaging that gives you a feel of the location, hearing a bit of it's history and eye-witness accounts from locales who work and/or have visited there. I like that a parpsychologist is on hand as well, and that he gives his opinion/comments at the end of the show of any evidence obtained. With the newer shows there is far less (if any) screaming, and fewer up the nose shots. =P

Derek was/is just way too over the top, his dramatics of being "possessed" (well rather channeling) seem put on, and frankly often comical. I'm not sure if they air different shows here but he wasn't on the last cpl of shows I've watched, just the new psychic fellow (who I like much better) and the 2nd psychic they bring in. Perhaps they mix in older shows with newer ones which is why we still get to see Derek's mug and his antics? [Roll Eyes] As for whether or not Derek has psi abilities beyond what is innate in us all, I don't know for certain as I've never met the guy nor had a reading from him. However judging by what I've seen on the show (how often he was wrong), hearing of his many foopas (knowing info ahead etc), and the put-on possessions, I'd say no he doesn't have any remarkable abilities. [Wink] I do think it can beneficial to have a psychic present during an investigation though, provided they actually have some abilities that is.

These reality type shows are often mostly about the drama, creating an effect or feel. I suspect they edit as they do otherwise the shows would be far more boring. If other potential evidence was captured surely it wouldn't be sitting on the editing room floor. So if there isn't enough pn stuff to fill in the time then in comes the drama, bad acting and all.

I agree Nakis, we are a way's away yet from the main populous and the science community as a whole taking this field as seriously as we would hope it would. And yes when has the evidence ever not been inconclusive? Why not do a follow-up investigation very soon after, or do a full 48-72 hours, maybe you'll luck out and capture the same thing so you can at least come to one conclusion. [Wink] I'm not so sure having a team investigating with a flurry of other bodies always around (camera, sound and lighting crews, locations residents and/or workers at times etc) makes for the best environment in which to conduct a serious investigation. Potential for distractions, false positives created, drama between personalities, and even tampering by individuals hoping for something awesome to be captured to bring further attention to their location etc etc, are real concerns. Not to mention easy to miss something if your busy kapitzing with team members, workers, film crews, worried how you sound/look etc. I have to wonder how much is scripted as well. Though with MH it "appears" they only use their hand-held cameras when one or two members go it alone in a room, so at least those extra distractions etc are lessened some.

You know when you think about it, it's not that often you hear of activity happening when large groups of ppl were present or milling about in the same room/area. It seems most often only a cpl ppl were present to witness it or a handfull at best, and there wasn't during a flurry of other activity going on. Not that it doesn't happen, but even in haunted hotels etc, eye witness accounts seem to usually happen when a worker or a cpl visitors were alone in a room or area. Perhaps there is a reason ghosts/spirits prefer to make their presence known when less ppl are around? A little off-topic from Derek but just something I've considered when watching these reality type shows. =)
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Miss Grrl

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Apr 23 '06

Just getting back to the board.... I too am glad that he won't be on any's hard to take anything that the show does seriously. I am very glad that they've started going to the USA now and visiting various sites around our great land. There have been a few shows, like the one they did on the Queen Mary, where they caught 'evidence' that does seem undeniable. The episode I'm referring to was where they all saw wet foot prints appear whilst they were holding a seance in the pool area... I'm sure to a skeptic there are a million reason why that could/would have happened but for me it's like believing in the bible. I don't need to know it's not real, I beleive it is and so...... [Booty]
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Apr 29 '06

Hi Miss!
Seems like they are getting more action from the spirits here in the USA? LOL But for three weeks now they have been in California?
The woman still groans and screams though! I was watching it in bed last night, hubby was in another room, and I just took off on my rendition of her moaning and hubby came running thinking I had hurt myself or something. he he......
Show is getting better but isn't it odd its also getting so active? Makes me wonder?
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Apr 30 '06

There must be different episodes airing here, as last night they were at the set of Coronation street. [Confused] Two of the shows actors took part in the investigation, and there were a few members on the team that I don't recall seeing before. NO Derek either, last 2 or 3 eps I've seen he wasn't on. No offense to Derek but it is actually better (easier to watch) without him. They investigated a few buildings so they had several groups and/or pairs (+ a cpl went solo) vs just 2 or 3 grps as usual. Some jumping and bleeped out words (and not just Yvette) but no dramatics, antics, or screaming (from what I saw, caught about half the show) so that was better too. Cpl interesting things happened, and one of the actors may have gotten an orb on tape (twice in the same room/area a few moments apart, it was if it went around the corner and then decided to come back).

Whether or not any of what they capture at times is true paranormal activity, or if it's all explanable or perhaps even faked, who knows for sure? I saw a cpl California ones a few weeks back so maybe these recent ep's here will be showing there soon?

Wish they would try to recreate things and look for plausible causes more (though they have found some at times), and set up video cameras on tripods not just use hand-held, so when something is captured they have a video to prove nobody was in the room, or they may luck out and capture the same anomaly with 2 diff cameras and/or something even more interesting.

You know some question captures obtained on different eps of Ghost Hunters also (read at different sites including taps). Whether it was really paranormal or something explainable, including someone hoaxing. Most question others at the locations and/or sci-fi and not the taps team, as "maybe" being behind it, but questions as to how/why they didn't notice, why cameras were left unmanned, why more/better recreation attempts weren't done, and why they didn't show more of the video before and after the anomaly was noted are being asked. Just sharing what I have read. [Wink]

Alas, it's the paranormal so you will always have skeptics raise doubt, and it's television so you will be scrutinized even further, plus with it being reality tv there is going to be entertainment value added in no matter the show. IMO =)
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May 17 '06

Hello all. I tend to agree with a lot of comments here. I think I may have missed a couple of episodes since Most Haunted started. I thought it was the bees knees at first when Derek Acorah only had the occasional entity enter his body so it was so believable. But my belief has wilted since every episode he has a major take over (excuse the pun). I think it is better with Chris the other medium who now stars in it. I do believe that Derek is a medium absolutley but he acts for the cameras definately.

I must admit I do like his new series Ghost Towns which has just ended here in England (1st series anyway). He still does his usual possession but not to the extreme this time.

Dead Famous I really do enjoy although now that medium seems to be getting possessed in every single show. You do sometimes wonder if they are milking it a bit lol.

love and light deedee
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Jun 17 '06

Hi everyone!

I agree with most things mentioned aswell. I used to be totally amazed by Derek in the belief that surely he wouldnt disrespect his fans and even spirit guides by exaggerating what he sees or reading up on locations prior to visiting them. If he was found to be a fraud that would go against everything the psychics and mediums work hard to prove is true. I beleive he is psychic but not to the extent of what we see on the show. I think due to all the speculation he should be investigated himself by professionsals infront of the nation to reassure his fans and fans of the show and people who have dismissed the thought of afterlife due to his exaggerations. I know that contacting spirits is possible and its a shame that derek acorah got to be the person to try and prove it to everyone.

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Jun 18 '06

Hi Roz,

Something tells me that Derek wouldn't submit himself for any testing? Doesn't seem the type that would.
I think he's possibly jas some gifts but its all over exaggerated for television.
What I find hard to beleive is that he would willingly let all those angry spirits take share his body? That gets me totally? I can't beleive that a person as supposedly learned in the PN he would allow that?
Yep, I did hear from someone that lives in England he got caught cheating, i.e. knowing ahead of time where he was going. Although, to be fair I didn't hear that the show itself was part of that.
Personally, I tune in when nothing else is on and get a good laugh? LOL (reruns of course) I also enjoy the history the do give of places, its interesting.
In the end, its all for entertainment isn't it?
Peggy Sue
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Jun 25 '06

We are watching more now, with Acorah being gone! I couldn't stand his woo-woo fakery that he tried to add to his responses. Frankly, I wouldn't trust him to find an elephant in my attic. LOL

That is a good show, and it can be quite interesting, too! We are watching pretty regular! =)

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Jul 18 '06

I just watched my first episode of Most Haunted. That Derek fella was in it, so it must be an old episode. He seems very ..... ummm ... I'm trying to be polite. Makes me thankful for TAPS! =)
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Jan 13 '07

I watch it. I like it, it can be creepy, but i see what your saying about derek
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Aug 7 '07

That guy gives psychics and mediums a bad name! I don't understand how the show lasted this long. Anyone watch "Haunted Evidence"? What's your thoughts?
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Aug 8 '07

No, I have never seen Haunted Evidence. When is it on? I agree about Most Haunted. At first I thought, WOW, this guy is something, but as time went by everytime you watched he was being "possessed". My feeling is that he is faking it. I haven't watched the show since. I understand that there is a new medium on the show, is he any better?
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Aug 8 '07

Has anyone watched Ghost Hunters? What do you think of that show?
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Aug 8 '07

yes I have watched the show.I'am not impressed.they do try to debunk some of the haunting's.but there action's are sometimes a little silly. nope a night of fooling around aghost is haveing a bad does'nt show. presto no haunting! as far as I know. no one has shown or proven how to get a ghost to appear on camera in a few hours.
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Aug 8 '07

I watch Most Haunted every Fri night for amusement. What gets me is how unprofessional they are. You would never see Grant and Jase from Ghost Hunters jumping and screaming and carrying on like these folks do. I find myself, saying "Would you shutup, so I can maybe hear what you say you heard?" lol I mean, we all jump or maybe yell when startled, but these people are supposed to be professional and they know what they are there for and might encounter. When you compare them to Ghost Hunters or the team on Haunting Evidence, there is a big difference. I think so many people have become interested in the paranormal the past few years, that some folks are just in it to make money, (Most Haunted.) Derek Acorah was a joke and a fake and that is why he is no longer on the show.

Oh, and thumbs up for Haunting Evidence, it's one of my favorite shows and I am glad they finally brought it back. It's on Court Tv, Weds nights at 10 in my area. (Eastern Standard time.)
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